Award 2025 Eligibility & Expectations

Who is eligible for Award? 

Artists applying for Award should meet the following three criteria.  

  • Be based in the UK between September 2022 and August 2025. 
  • Working professionally as an individual artist or collective since September 2022. Artists working in collaboration are also eligible. A collaboration may take place between an artist and arts organisation, between artists or between an artist and community group in the creation of the proposed exhibit. 
  • Propose work that uses clay as the primary medium and is based on the exploration of ceramic process. Areas of practice may include, but not be limited to studio pottery, design, socially engaged practice, sculpture, performance, installation, objects, film and audio.

Please note:  

  • Previous Award exhibitors are eligible. 
  • Students in education at the time of applying are not eligible. This includes BA and MA students or equivalent. 
  • Those undertaking postgraduate research work leading to a PhD/Mphil/MLitt/MRes or equivalent are eligible. 

If you have any questions regarding eligibility, please get in touch:



What do the shortlisted artists receive? 

Each of the ten selected artists will receive £1,000 towards the exhibition of their selected work as part of the Award exhibition at the 2025 Biennial. Award exhibitors will benefit from a national PR and marketing campaign, curatorial support, programme management support and return transport of exhibits. The Award winner will receive a cash prize of £10,000 and a place on the 2027 Award selection panel. They will be invited to exhibit at BCB 2027 and will benefit from additional marketing.



What is expected from the shortlisted artists?

Artists apply for Award by submitting a proposal, which outlines what they wish to exhibit. The artists selected must produce the work in line with their proposal. The £1,000 fee is provided to facilitate the production of the agreed work. We recognise that artists may wish to propose work that will require them to secure additional funding or resource to realise their proposal.  

It is understood that the proposal may change through the creative process. Any changes should be discussed with BCB. The artists should budget for transporting the work to the BCB exhibition site. Artists are responsible for installing and deinstalling their own exhibit. Reasonable practical support from the BCB team will be provided where possible.



Award 2025 selection panel 

Award exhibitors are selected by a panel of leading professionals who are advocates for contemporary art and making, and who bring a variety of perspectives to the decision-making process. The Award 2025 selection panel will be announced in due course on the BCB website.


The selection criteria

  • The quality of the idea and proposal 
  • The quality, strength and ambition of the artistic practice 
  • The potential impact of the proposal on the development of the artists’ practice 
  • The potential for the work to connect with audiences 


Key dates for Award 2025

26 April 2024             Applications open 

9 September 2024    Deadline for submissions (12noon GMT) 

Oct/Nov 2024           Award selection panel meet and candidates informed 

Nov/Dec 2024           Studio visits for selected artists 

Aug/Sept 2025          Delivery of work to exhibition venue and installation  

September 2025       Biennial launch – Award exhibition opens to the public 

Sept/Oct 2025           Award winner is announced 

November 2025        Award exhibition closes to the public and collection of work



Diversity and inclusion

We recognise that there is a lack of diversity in the ceramics sector. As an organisation we share responsibility in addressing systemic inequalities by increasing representation of diverse artists and practice in our Biennial, exhibitions and events programmes. 

We are undertaking our responsibility to address under-representation and remove barriers in accessing opportunities through adapting our systems, improving our communications and expanding our networks. We aim for our actions to lead to an increase in applications from artists who feel their identity and background are currently under-represented. We welcome conversations with anyone with ideas and networks that can help progress this work more quickly.



Access support

Access support is available to individuals who feel they face barriers in making an application. A BCB team member is available to help with your application or to offer advice in advance of your application.

Please email to discuss how we can help you. Alternative formats are available upon request to ensure they are suitably tailored to support an applicant’s access requirements. 

Please note that the advice we give on making an application is on the eligibility and suitability of your proposal, it will have no bearing on its assessment during the selection process. 



The submission deadline for Award 2025 is 12 noon, 9 September 2024