Award FAQs

How do you define quality?

We define quality as the balance of artistic intention, the ability to realise and deliver on those intentions in physical form and to effectively communicate them with an audience.



What do you mean when you speak about creative risk-taking?

We describe creative risk-taking as a mixture of innovation and boldness to do something new.



Can the works I apply with be made with materials other than clay?

Yes, providing the primary medium is clay and the work is based on the exploration of ceramic process.



Do the supporting images I submit in my supporting files need to be new work?

No — you can submit images in your supporting files of work up to three years old, excluding graduate and student work. 



Is there a size restriction?

No, not at this stage — but please provide dimensions of all work submitted in the application form.



What media are eligible for entry?

All media are eligible providing the primary medium is clay and the work is based on the exploration of ceramic process.



Can I apply if I have been selected for previous Award exhibitions?




I work as an in-house designer for a ceramics company. Can I apply as an individual?

Yes, with the permission of your employer and providing that you are the credited designer of the work submitted.



What should I include in my budget?

Your budget should include the costs involved in making and installing your work, transport of work to the exhibition site, your travel costs and any other expenses you see as connected with the proposed exhibit. Please also include any income/funds you have towards the cost of the work or funds you will apply for if selected. Please download our Budget & Timeline template for your application.



I’m having a problem accessing/sending my application. What do I do?

Please email  We are happy to help. Due to high quantities of applications being made leading up to the deadline we strongly advise that you make and send in your application well in advance of the deadline.



Is there any access support available for artists wishing to apply who require additional support?

Yes. If you feel that you need access support, a BCB team member is available to help with your application. Please email to discuss how we can help you.

You can also submit your application as an audio or video recording as your Award proposal. In the application form, where indicated, please share a link to your audio or video file (this can be shared as a link from: Dropbox, Google Drive, Vimeo or YouTube for example). Download our Award 2025 Application Guidelines for more information.



Which artists have been selected for Award previously?

Please visit our ‘Past Biennials’ page for more information about previous Award artists.


The submission deadline for Award 2025 is 12 noon, 9 September 2024