BCB 2021 Artist Talks: Christie Brown

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Originally recorded on 2 October 2021.

During BCB 2021, Creative Producer Rhiannon Ewing-James sat down with Christie Brown, one of the many talented artists exhibiting in the festival. Through these talks, artists shared in-depth and behind the scenes stories about how it was creating work during 2021, their careers as artists, their greatest inspirations and the artwork they created especially for BCB 2021.


About the Artist – Christie Brown

AWARD exhibitor, British Ceramics Biennial 2021

Christie Brown is an artist based in London and Emerita Professor of Ceramics at the University of Westminster. Her figurative practice is informed by our relationship with objects and the significance and relevance of museum collections and archaic artefacts to contemporary art. Exploring the relationship between archaeology and psychoanalysis, her work references the mythology, narrative and symbolism associated with clay. She often presents her work through site or theme-specificity and her making method of press-moulding allows her to explore the nature of repetition though installation and series. Recent work has focussed on the division and isolation caused by current events while ongoing projects examine the connection between drawing and sculpture within a tableau scenario.

Christie Brown website link


With thanks to BCB Festival Assistants James and Connor for their support with filming.