
What is Factory, and who is it for?

Factory is a free programme for creatives in Staffordshire. It supports artists, designers, makers and other creatives to develop their practice and business. Sessions are delivered by practicing artists, photographers and makers, as well as experts in funding, marketing and business planning.


What does it cover?

Every month, experienced creatives deliver practical and interactive workshops both online and in person. There are breakout groups during each session so people can connect to support each other, as well as ask questions. Since these talks started in 2020, they have covered a wide range of subjects from getting funding to managing social media; dealing with imposter syndrome to creating a portfolio. Whatever your interest, these talks offer something for everyone to take their business or practice to the next level. 


 Click here for a full list of resources from past sessions. If you have suggestions for new workshops, contact info@britishceramicsbiennial.com. 


Where do Factory workshops take place?

Factory takes place in a combination of in-person and online. Refer to your booking to see where your event takes place.

If it is online, we will send you a Zoom link via email when you sign up.


How can I get involved?

There is no big commitment – you can dip in and out of sessions. You can even ask for one-to-one mentoring with your creative business. You can also:


Once you’ve taken part, please complete our evaluation survey to give us feedback on your experience and make suggestions for future sessions.


Who manages the programme?

Factory is a partnership between Staffordshire Chambers of CommerceStaffordshire University, British Ceramics Biennial and ACAVA. The programme is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF. 


            This is the ACAVA logo.