BCB 2021 Artist Talks: Jin Eui Kim

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Originally recorded on 25 September 2021.

During BCB 2021, Creative Producer Rhiannon Ewing-James sat down with Jin Eui Kim, one of the many talented artists exhibiting in the biennial. Through these talks, artists shared in-depth and behind the scenes stories about how it was creating work during 2021, their careers as artists, their greatest inspirations and the artwork they created especially for BCB 2021.


About the Artist – Jin Eui Kim

AWARD Exhibitor, British Ceramics Biennial 2021

Jin Eui Kim’s work explores how the perception of three-dimensional ceramic forms can be manipulated by the applications of tonal bands or arrangements of blocks of clay. Illusory spatial phenomena can appear and thus significantly influence the actual three-dimensional forms. Jin Eui Kim works in-between the concepts of illusion and reality and his work attracts viewers by visual phenomena as well as physical confusions appearing on the surface. Restricting or removing data (information) on the surface increases the chance of the viewer’s perception shifting between illusion and reality. Looking with half closed eyes, in the darker light and with distance, brings the illusion to life for him.

See more of Jin Eui Kim’s work.


With thanks to BCB Festival Assistants James and Connor for their support with filming.

Disclaimer: There are some microphone issues between 5:37 and 7:05. Normal audio quality resumes from 7:05 onwards. Subtitles are available.